If you have LTD insurance through your employer, you should be aware of provisions which are common in LTD policies. There will be a maximum monthly benefit. There may also be a monthly minimum benefit. Your particular monthly benefit is a percentage of your earnings; 50% or 60% are typical.  Not all earnings are counted. In general, bonuses, commissions, overtime pay, fringe benefits or extra compensation will not count.

There is an elimination period. This is a waiting period where you do not receive LTD benefits.  Common elimination times are 90, 180 or 365 days.  There may be a short-term disability plan available to the employee for that time.

You should enroll in the LTD plan as soon as you are eligible to do so. If you do not enroll at that time, the policy may require you to provide evidence of insurability.

Every LTD plan is different. You must consult your own plan to determine your benefits. Zimberlin Law LLC can help you understand your plan.


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