Municipal employees in Connecticut who are applying for disability retirement will generally be covered under some type of disability plan. The terms of these plans are covered in Summary Plan Descriptions (SPD). SPDs convey rights and responsibilities to employees and the agencies. The first step in disability retirement is to obtain the correct SPD from your human resources department. Below is a brief list of some municipal plans. These plans change from time to time. Consult an attorney to determine which SPD governs your plan.

Summary Plan Description for employees of municipalities enrolled in the Connecticut Municipal Employees Retirement System (CMERS). Click here for a list of towns who are in the CMERS system.

If you are an employee of a town which is not part of CMERS, then your disability pension may be governed by your individual town regulations. See below for some examples.

Summary Plan Descriptions for Hartford employees

Town of Windsor employees

General Danbury Employees Municipal Code 

East Hartford Firefighter and Police Officer disability retirement

Manchester General Government Employees Section 70-21

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